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Lilac flowers on bright evergreen stems to 3 feet. Zone 7-10. Wind protection. Sun.
False Heath, Violet Pichi
Best fig for our area, as it produces many wonderful fruits year after year!Best in Sun. Zone 7
Desert King Fig
White plumes on 3 ft. stems rise above the fern-like foliage. Sun to partial shade.
Queen of the Meadow
Fragrant white blooms sit above the striking yellow foliage. Enjoys moist, cool, sun to part shade. Zone 3-8.
Golden Queen of the Meadow
Bright yellow flowers on arching stems in spring. Dark green foliage with silver veins. 4 to 6 ft. x 4 to 6ft. Zone 5-8.
Kumson Forsythia
Festive golden foliage, with yellow flowers in spring on last year's bare wood. 2-3 ft Best in sun.
Dwarf Golden Forsythia
Evergreen rosettes, spikes of pretty rosy-pink flowers on long stalks, good for cutting.To 2 ft. Best in sun.
Bridal Wreath
Golden and red creeping foliage with violet and red flowers. Partial sun to shade.
Hardy Creeping Golden Fuchsia
Single royal purple and pink blossoms on 24 inch wide and tall plants. Well drained soil. Sun to partial shade. Zone 7.
Hardy Fuchsia
Brilliant red and violet flowers, Red stems and dark foliage on 3-4 ft plants. Flowers until hard frost. Zone 7.
Hardy Red Fuchsia
Bright green foliage to 2-3 ft. Large pink and lavender flowers. Shade to sun.
Hardy Pink Fuchsia
Petite foliage with delicate white to pink flowers on 3 ft plants in profusion. Sun to partial shade.
Hardy Tiny Fuchsia
Large double red and purple flowers on compact bushes. Shade.
Double Hardy Fuchsia '
Light pink flowers on beautiful golden variegated foliage. Growth to 2 ft x 2 ft.Prefers a filtered sunny spot with protection.
Golden Hardy Fuchsia
Yellow-green foliage, pink and purple 1 inch flowers. Flowers in profusion! Shade to partial sun.
Red and purple flowers on red, white & green plants. To 2'. Sun.
Single, upright, crimson and blackish-violet flowers. Vigorous upright 5-6 ft. Sun to shade.
Tiny green and white foliage with tiny pink flowers. to 18 inches. Zones 8-10. Sun to partial shade.
Petite foliage with tiny reddish-pink flowers. Sun to partial shade. 2.5 ft.
Bright pink and rose flowers on lovely variegated foliage. Upright, to 1.5 ft. Partial sun to shade.
White and violet medium-sized flowers on bright green foliage. 3 x 4 ft. Best in filtered sun or partial shade.
Tom Woods Hardy Fuchsia
Red and purple flowers on dark green foliage. Grows up to 2 feet. Sun or partial shade.
Hardy Species Fuchsia
Purple and red 1" flowers on glossy reddish foliage. To 4 ft. Shade to full sun.
Upright, bright foliage with red and purple pendulous flowers. 2-3 ft tall and wide. Shade to partial s\un.
Pure white single flowers on bright green foliage to 24 inches. Best in morning sun. Zone 7.
Hardy White Fuchsia
Miniature dark green foliage with long pink and purple flowers. Upright habit, to 5 ft. Sun or partial shade.
Deep red and magenta flowers smother this small upright shrub from early summer to hard frost. 3 ft. tall x 2 ft. wide. Best in partial Sun. Zones 7 to 11.
Little Giant Hardy Fuchsia
Light pink to lilac flowers on bright green foliage. Upright, to 10 ft. Prefers filtered sun. Zone 7.
aka 'Molinae' Hardy Fuchsia
Pink, white and greenish-silver foliage with red and purple flowers. 3-4 ft tall and wide. Shade to partial sun.
Erect shrub to 5 feet high and wide if left unpruned. Best in Sun to partial shade. Zones 6 to 9.
Reddish-pink petite flowers with upright bright green foliage. Shrubby habit. Sun to partial shade.
Yellowish-green and red clown flowers followed by large purplish-red fruit. Zone 8-9.
Species Creeping Fuchsia
Silvery-green and reds on this spectacular perennial, reaches 5+ ft. Red and pink flowers. Full sun to partial shade. Zone 7.
Vermillion-orange flowers on heart-shaped foliage to 3 ft. Sun to partial shade. Zones 8-11.
Species Hardy Fuchsia
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